Communications/Internships/Jobs Archive

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The Pros and the Cons of a BEDA Program

 The Pros and the Cons of a BEDA Program The BEDA Program is one of the better-known English teaching programs in Spain. It puts over 1200 native English speakers (mainly people from North America, but there are

EntrepreneurSHIP Festival at ESCP

EntrepreneurSHIP Festival at ESCP   ¿Que es el EntrepreneurSHIP Festival? El EntrepreneurSHIP Festival, festival de Emprendimiento tendrá  lugar el 23 de Octubre en el campus de (Escuela Superior de Comercio) ESCP. Esta escuela de negocios, la más antigua del mundo,

8 Essential & Free Smartphone Apps for Madrid

8 Essential & Free Smartphone Apps for Madrid Surely more than once you’ve been desperate to find a taxi and  without the number to request one. There have also been occasions when you’ve also felt cheated by

Para saber sobre el negocio de las franquicias

  ¿Estás interesado en el mundo de las franquicias?, quieres saber sobre el negocio de las franquicias y los beneficios que aporta pertenecer a una red de franquicias o conocer nuevas herramientas de marketing online, entonces este evento

Ke Yi Wang, nos acerca China a nuestra ciudad

Cuéntanos un poco sobre tí… De donde eres y que te trajo a Madrid. Soy china, de la ciudad Pekín, trabajo en el centro de enseñanza chino e interpretación.   ¿Has vivido en otras partes de España

Free Photoshop Initiation Course

The Asociación Búlgaro-Española (A.B.E.)  located at c/ Enrique Velasco, 11 near metro Nueva Numancia is organising a free course for working with Photoshop.It is occuring on all the Tuesdays and Thursdays from the 8th of November till

Second Bloggers´ Get-Together in Madrid

The second get-together or informal meeting of bloggers in Madrid is happening today in Tetuan Punto Joven near Metro Cuatro Caminos.The centre is located at Raimundo Fernandez Villaverde 35.Be sure to answer this email to confirm attendance.Admission

Wanted:Blog Co-Author!

As this blog,Cheap In Madrid approaches its first year anniversary,I want to thank all the regular readers,subscribers and people who have stumbled upon this blog and liked it.I hope that you have found the blog very interesting

Last Day:Senate Opens for Public

The senate will conduct their sessions open to the public tomorrow,3rd of December, as the last day.The aim is to transmit and deliver closely, to the citizens that work done there. This 13th edition of the open door

After-Comedy Session Review-Andrew Maxwell

The stand-up comedy show organised by giggling guiri was the first comedy gig in English I attended. I was definitely not dissappointed by the comedy act, the crowd nor the venue. I was accompanied by my friend
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